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Voyager Season 1 Episode 1 Torrent

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by treshelpmorfe1989 2020. 2. 19. 21:05


Contents Summary Unhappy with a, along the have banded together. Calling themselves 'The,' they continue to fight the. Some consider them heroes, but to the governments of the Federation and, they are outlaws. TeaserChakotay's Maquis raider, the Val Jean, is attacked and pursued by Gul Evek's warshipfire streaks through as attacks a much smaller with. The latter 's, led by and also including and, are struggling to hold their spacecraft together and get the ' steady, but as Torres frustratedly implies, the vessel is equipped with only rebuilt engines.

The, hails the ship, ordering them to stand down, but Chakotay defiantly shuts off the transmission. The Maquis crew then deactivate their vessel's weapon systems in order to channel enough power to the engines to reach the, with the Cardassian all the while in close pursuit. Whereas Chakotay's piloting skills are sufficient to avoid the in the Badlands, the Cardassian ship is less lucky and is severely damaged. Relieved, Chakotay sets a course for a where they can make repairs when a bright flash erupts through the ship; the vessel has passed through a from an unknown source and, despite beginning to move away at full impulse, the ship is intercepted by a huge.Act OneIn the in on, several inmates wearing are performing labor. One man's work is interrupted when an authoritative-looking woman in a approaches him and asks, '?' The man glances up at her and she introduces herself as.

She states that she served with his on the and that she would like to speak with him about a job she wants him to do. He sarcastically replies that he is already doing a job for the, but Janeway says that the is very pleased with his work and has given her permission to discuss the matter with him.

Voyager Season 5

Voyager season 1 episode 1 torrent file

He replies, ' Well, then I guess I'm yours.' As they walk together, Janeway informs Paris that she was his father's on the. Paris comments that she must be good, as his father only accepts the best and brightest. Janeway tells him that her mission is to track down a Maquis vessel that vanished in the Badlands a week previous.

Paris advises against it, having never seen a Federation that could maneuver through the storms; Janeway retorts by saying that he has never seen.Paris infers that Janeway's motive is to have him lead the Federation to his former Maquis colleagues. Paris reminds Janeway that because he was only with them a few, he didn't know many of their hiding places.

Janeway replies that he knows the better than anyone in the Federation. Janeway informs Paris that her chief of security had infiltrated a Maquis ship and had not reported in some time. Paris muses that perhaps it was only the chief of security that disappeared. Janeway reveals that the ship was under the command of Chakotay, a former officer.Paris acknowledges that he knew Chakotay and that the two never got along. Paris says that the point of disagreement was that Chakotay left Starfleet 'on principle,' to defend his home colony, but he considered Paris a who joined 'whoever would pay his,' an accusation to which Paris admits. Paris concludes that he will help track down the Maquis, but asks what he has to gain from the venture.

Janeway says that the Federation will help him at his next parole review. Janeway informs him that officially, he'd be a Starfleet, to which Paris replies that he's the best Janeway could have.

Janeway is firm about Paris' role and once the mission is over he'll be 'cut loose', causing Paris to agree with the rejoinder, 'Story of my life.' ' Do you always fly at women at, Mr. 'Only when they're in visual range.' Tom Paris arrives to Voyager, docked at, via, piloted by a,.

Now clad in a fresh, Paris walks up to her. Stadi focuses on flying the craft, but she livens up to Paris a little as he turns on the charm. He says that Stadi is changing his mind about Betazoids, because he always thought that they were warm and sensual. Stadi says that she can be warm and sensual, but Paris replies that she can, but just not to him.

The conversation shifts as a sleek comes into view at one of DS9's. Stadi proudly identifies it as their ship, the Voyager.


She states that the ship is of the, has a new variable configuration, giving it a sustainable cruising speed of 9.975; it has fifteen decks and a crew complement of 141. It is also equipped with.


Paris inquires as to the circuitry, and as she flies around Voyager towards the, she informs Paris that the bio-neural circuitry speeds up response time in the ship's.Harry Kim and QuarkMeanwhile, on board Deep Space 9, is trying to sell bright, rare crystals to a young Starfleet seated in.